Monday, May 25, 2015

Natural Ways to reduce Joint Pain and Inflammation

Joint pains are the most common health complaints nowadays and this can happen to anyone.  Many people then resort to pain killers which help relieve pain but it is only temporary and it can have negative effects on your body.  It is therefore important to take natural remedies for joint pain and stiffness.  Exercise also helps to relieve the pain and stiffness.

Apply eucalyptus oil on the aching joint and after some time place a warm moist towel on the joint as this helps against pain and inflammation.
One should soak the affected joint in warm water with little bit of Epsom salt added to it which gives relief from pain in the joint.
Regular stretching exercises helps ease pain and it also keeps a check on obesity which is one of the main cause of pain and inflammation.  Try yoga exercises which are also very helpful in alleviating joint pain. 
Have a glass of warm milk with one tablespoon turmeric which helps relieves joint pain effectively.
Apple cider vinegar gives good results in relieving joint pain. You can massage the joints with warm olive/coconut oil which helps reduce pain.
 Have banana, carrot juice as it restores lost nutrients in the joint and increase intake of omega 3 acid rich oil and vitamins.

Herbal supplements can be taken as it effectively helps reduce joint pain and stiffness and these supplements do not have any side effects.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.