Friday, August 28, 2009

Is arthritis troubling you?

Arthritis is a chronic disease that is suffered by many people in the world. It is a common joint disease, which is generally suffered by old people due to degenerative changes that take place in their body. Nevertheless, young people also suffer from this disease. According to a survey, in USA alone, there are nearly 70 million people suffering from this particular ailment and it is the country’s number one cause of disability.

Arthritis is of three main types namely; gout, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

As mentioned, arthritis is not confined to old people alone. Even children under the age of 16 can suffer from this ailment. In childhood arthritis, which is sometimes known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, the inflammation in the joints lasts more than six weeks and it is not a result of some injury or illness.

What are the causes of arthritis?

There are various causes of arthritis. As mentioned, age is one among the risk factors of this ailment as the body cells degenerate due to old age. Obesity can be another cause, as more the weight of the person; the more will be the load on his joints. According to medical scientists, men are less vulnerable to this ailment as compared to women. Lifestyle and food habits of people can also be a risk factor.

What are the preventive measures for arthritis?

Having a balanced diet is very essential, as it will offer natural vitamins and nutrients to provide natural health to the body including the joints. Doing right exercises and losing weight will be helpful in lessening the stress on the joints, especially the knees. Apart from these, meditation and yoga also help people suffering from arthritis in having a positive frame of mind, which is very essential in fighting any body ailments.

Herbal remedies
have gained recognition as a natural approach to other arthritis treatments. NoFlam is an anti-joint problem product that is herbal in essence and natural in effect. The herbal composition of NoFlam pills not only helps you fight off arthritic conditions but also promotes the health of bones. For more details on this product, you can visit its website

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Most Popular Misconceptions about Arthritis!!

Misconception 1: - Only old people suffer from arthritis

Fact: - It is the most common myth which is completely untrue. Arthritis can affect anyone at any age not just the elderly people. Arthritis is not gender specific thus can affects children, adults and middle aged people.

Misconception 2: - Cold climate increases the symptoms of arthritis

Fact: - Arthritis has nothing to do with the change in climate. If warm climate can provide relief in arthritis symptoms then no one in warm regions like southern California would have arthritis.

Misconception 3: - Arthritis is curable

Fact: There is no permanent cure for arthritis. It can only be minimized by using proper medication like NoFlam. NoFlam is completely safe causing no side-effects. It helps you to get rid of all the symptoms of arthritis including pain, swelling, stiffness and inflammation of joints

Misconception 4: - Poor diet mainly cause arthritis

Fact: - Nutritious, balanced diet, and weight maintenance is required for maintaining proper health, however poor diet doesn’t cause arthritis. There is no scientific evidence that proves that specific food prevents or cause arthritis

Misconception 5: - Arthritis is mainly associated with minor aches and pains

Fact: - It is completely untrue. Arthritis includes joint pain and destruction, deformities, inflammation, chronic fatigue, pain, restricted movements of body parts etc.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Know More About Arthritis!!

Arthritis is not a single disease

Arthritis is referred to as “Joint inflammation”. “Arth” means joint and “itis” means inflammation. Studies revealed that there are more than 100 different types of arthritis known till now. It affects people of all ages including around 300,000 children.

Alarming Sign and Symptoms of Arthritis

• Pain
• Stiffness
• Swelling
• Difficulty in movements

The Most commonly found Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis found now a days. It is a degenerative joint disease also known as wear-and-tear arthritis. More than 20 million people in the United States suffer from osteoarthritis. It is usually related to aging

Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disease

It is an autoimmune disease in which a person own immune system attacks cells within its own joint capsule. If rheumatoid arthritis is associated with chronic inflammation then it results in cartilage, bone and ligaments damage causing deformity and disability

You can treat Arthritis but can’t cure it

Arthritis symptoms including pain, stiffness, and swelling can be minimized by taking proper, medication in time but there is no permanent cure for this disease. Thus it is always preferable to take a safe medicine which does not have any side-effects i.e. herbal remedies like NoFlam.

NoFlam is a natural remedy to curb arthritis. It provides permanent relief from joint inflammation, pain, swelling, and stiffness. NoFlam is made up of all natural ingredients which work effectively to treat Arthritis. To know about NoFlam in details, visit

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Arthritis: Most Common Types and Treatment!!

Arthritis is most commonly referred to as “joint inflammation”. Millions of people worldwide suffer from this debilitating disease and related conditions. Though there are more than 100 arthritis related conditions but the most common among them are i.e. osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.


It occurs when the cushiony and protective cartilage covering the bones get removed as a result bones starts rubbing with each other. This friction may leads to joint swelling and pain.

Osteoarthritis mainly affects the hips, knee, hands and spine. The condition get worsens with age.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease which is characterized by the swelling of joint lining, inflammation caused due to the body’s own immune system mistakenly. This inflammation can spread to surrounding tissues also.

In this type of arthritis, both bones and cartilage gets damaged


In this arthritis related condition, human body become incapable of removing uric acid, a naturally forming substance from it. This results in the formation of needle-like crystals in the joints which can be tremendously painful.

Hence before going for any medication, diagnose the type of arthritis and then take the proper treatment. A number of medications are available for curbing arthritis in the market i.e. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, such as Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra. However doctors always prefer herbal medication for arthritis and joints problem because all the above medicines can cause potential side-effects such as heart attack, stroke etc.

On the other hand, herbal medicines are completely safe and provide ample of benefits i.e. NoFlam. NoFlam is a natural remedy to curb ALL types of arthritis and related conditions. It not only relives you from joint pain, inflammation, swelling and stiffness but also strengthens your joints.

It is completely safe with NO nasty side effects. To know more about this miraculous arthritis remedy, visit

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.