Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Foods to avoid if you suffer from arthritis

Over the last decade, there are many people suffering from arthritis and joint pain due to their lifestyle and diet like sugar which is being used in excess.

People suffering from arthritis or joint pains should avoid red meat, caffeine, sugar, soft drinks.  You should avoid eating processed meats and meat such as liver and kidney because they contain too much of phosphorous.   Consuming too much of fried food with people suffering from arthritis will worsen the inflammation caused by arthritis. Caffeine causes your body to lose vital nutrients and minerals.  Another food to avoid is sugar and margarine.  While buying goods from outside, see that you are not eating foods with too many preservatives.

It is therefore important to eat healthy and avoid foods that contain large amounts of sodium and cholesterol.  There are herbal anti arthritic supplements that help overcome arthritis and joint pain in a safe and effective way.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.