Joint pain sometimes may be so devastating that it may cause a person suffering from it lots of discomfort and also unable to sleep. Joint pain is normally accompanied by chills, fever, tiredness, irritability, nausea and vomiting. There are natural ways to relieve joint pain and inflammation.
Eucalyptus oil can be applied to the affected area and after
few minutes place a warm moist towel on the joint which show good results
against pain and inflammation.
Doing hot and cold fermentation of the painful joint provides
gives immediate relief from the pain.
Also immersing the affected area in warm water with a little bit of
Epsom salt relieves pain and inflammation. You can also massage the joints with
warm olive oil or camphorated mustard oil/coconut oil which help reduces pain.
Drink a glass of warm milk with one tablespoon with turmeric which
relieves joint pain effectively. You can
also take apple cider vinegar which alleviates pain in the joint. Eat a banana as it effectively restores lost
nutrients in the joint and greases the joint. Increase intake of fluids as it
flushes out toxins from one's system and reduces joint pain and inflammation.
Obesity also leads to joint pain and hence it is important to
do regular stretching exercises and also yoga. One should have a good posture
while sitting, standing, walking or sleeping as it keeps joint pain away.
Herbal supplements can also be used effectively to reduce
joint pain and inflammation. Herbal remedies have gained popularity as a
natural approach to other arthritis problems. Learn more about an effective and safe anti-arthritic
herbal supplement –